■ 学術雑誌
■ 学会発表
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Radiomics特徴量を用いた肺機能推定モデルの開発 (口頭発表,一般) 2022/11
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数理的手法を用いた膵EUS-FNAにおける細胞診画像解析技術の検討 (口頭発表,一般) 2021/11
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A Deep Learning-Based Radiomics Approach to Identify Patient with Early Tumor Regression Utilizing Planning CT Images for Adaptive Radiotherapy (ポスター,一般) 2021/07
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Can Unified Data Improve the Performance of Radiomics-Based Prognostic Prediction in Lung Cancer Patients? (ポスター,一般) 2021/07
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Graph Theory-Based Radiomics Features: Application of Tumor Network Structures On CT-Based Radiomics for Prognostic Prediction (ポスター,一般) 2021/07
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Development of prognostic prediction method with the novel radiomic feature based on graph theory (口頭発表,一般) 2021/04
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Evaluation of machine learning-based prediction model with combination of conventional and functional dosimetric parameters for radiation pneumonitis in NSCLC patients (口頭発表,一般) 2021/04
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Evaluation of machine learning-based prediction model for radiation pneumonitis in NSCLC patients (口頭発表,一般) 2020/12
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Prognostic analysis of CT-based radiomics focusing on a subgroup of NSCLC patients (口頭発表,一般) 2020/12
■ 専門医・専門性キーワード
専門医取得の有無:無し 放射線治療 医学物理 Radiomics 機械学習 グラフ理論