(最終更新日:2024-08-27 18:59:07)
  ハガ ミツヒロ   HAGA Mitsuhiro
  芳賀 光洋
   所属   埼玉医科大学  医学部 総合医療センター 小児科(小児科、総合周産期母子医療センター新生児科、小児救命救急センター)
   職種   専任講師
■ メールアドレス
■ 学術雑誌
1. 学術雑誌(原著)  Prolonged oligohydramnios and the adverse composite outcome of death or severe neurodevelopmental impairment at 3 years of age in infants born at 22–29 gestational weeks 2024/10
2. 学術雑誌(原著)  Predictability of the neurodevelopmental assessment based on the Kyoto Scale of Psychological Development 2001 at 18-24 months of corrected age and 3 years of age in identifying cognitive impairment at 6 years of age in very preterm infants: A retrospective study at a Japanese tertiary center 2024/04/20
3. 学術雑誌(原著)  The serum thioredoxin-1 levels are not associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and retinopathy of prematurity 2024/02/16
4. 学術雑誌(症例報告)  An Extremely Preterm Infant Born at 23 Weeks'Gestation With an Interrupted Aortic ArchComplex: A Case Report 2023/07/05
5. 学術雑誌(原著)  Changes in In-Hospital Survival and Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants: A Retrospective Study of a Japanese Tertiary Center 2023/04
■ 学会発表
1. 新生児低酸素性虚血性脳症児における総ビリルビン値と短期予後との関係 (ポスター,一般) 2019/07/14
■ 専門医・専門性キーワード