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Spike timing-dependent plasticity at layer 2/3 horizontal connections between neighboring columns during synapse formation and critical period in mouse barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2024/07/26
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A use of the Nudge theory for improving the attitude of infection prevention of university students (ポスター,一般) 2023/03/16
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Endocannabinoid-dependent formation of columnar axonal projection in the mouse cerebral cortex (ポスター,一般) 2022/11/14
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マウス大脳皮質4層細胞の円柱状軸索投射は内因性カンナビノイドに依存して形成される (ポスター,一般) 2022/03/17
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Effects of exogenously administered cannabinoid agonists on axonal projection of layer 4 neurons in the developing mouse barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2018/11/06
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Effects of cannabinoid agonists on axonal projection of layer 4 neurons in the developing mouse barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2018/07/28
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The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol is required for neuronal circuit formation in the developing barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2018/07/11
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マウスバレル皮質4層細胞への視床及び2/3層からの興奮性入力は2A受容体を介してシナプス前性に抑制される (ポスター,一般) 2018/03/28
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内因性カンナビノイド、2-アラキドノイルグリセロールはマウスのバレル皮質の視床皮質投射、4層-2/3層投射において重要な役割を果たす (口頭発表,一般) 2017/07/22
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Physiological and morphological roles of endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (ポスター,一般) 2016/11/16
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Roles of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol in neuronal circuit development of the mouse barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2016/07/22
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Developmental Switch in Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity and Cannabinoid-Dependent Reorganization of the Thalamocortical Projection in the Barrel Cortex. (ポスター,一般) 2016/07/06
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第120回 日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会・第92回 日本生理学会大会 合同大会 (ポスター,一般) 2015/03/21
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Topographical precision in the thalamocortical projection mediated by cannabinoid receptor in the developing barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2014/11/15
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カンナビノイドを介したスパイクタイミング依存性可塑性の相互作用による投射制御 (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2014/09/12
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発達期バレル皮質におけるカンナビノイド受容体を介した部位特異的視床皮質投射 (ポスター,一般) 2014/09/12
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Cannabinoid receptor mediated spike timing-dependent plasticity at thalamocortical synapses in the developing mouse barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2013/09/13
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発達期バレル皮質における視床皮質投射のスパイクタイミング依存性可塑性の性質 (ポスター,一般) 2013/06/20
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Cooperative heterosynaptic interaction of spike timing-dependent plasticity in the developing barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2012/10/15
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子宮内電気穿孔法により遺伝子導入された大脳皮質体性感覚野抑制性神経細胞の電気生理学的・神経化学的解析 (ポスター,一般) 2012/09/21
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発達期バレル皮質2/3層錐体細胞への2つの異なるスパイクタイミング依存性可塑性とその相互作用 (ポスター,一般) 2012/09/21
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Developmental switch in the spike-timing dependent plasticity contributes to the initiation of the critical period in the barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2012/07/15
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バレル皮質2/3層錐体細胞への2つの異なるスパイクタイミング依存性可塑性の収束 (ポスター,一般) 2012/03/29
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子宮内電気穿孔法と電気生理学的手法による大脳皮質体性感覚野抑制性神経細胞の分化・成熟の分子機構の解析 (ポスター,一般) 2011/12/13
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Presentation Title: A developmental switch in the spike timing dependent plasticity coincidently occurring with the initiation of map plasticity in the barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2011/11/12
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フェンサイクリジンが引き起こすシナプス減少にBDNFの機能障害が関与する (口頭発表,一般) 2011/09/14
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多型による神経栄養因子の新しい機能制御 (ポスター,一般) 2011/09/14
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発達期バレル皮質2/3層錐体細胞への2つの異なるスパイクタイミング依存性可塑性の集束 (口頭発表,一般) 2011/09/14
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Developmental switch in the spike timing dependent plasticity at layer 4 to layer 2/3 synapses in coincidence with the initiation of critical period in the mouse barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2011/07/18
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バレル皮質生後2週目に現れる2/3層錐体細胞へのスパイクタイミング依存性可塑性の解析 (ポスター,一般) 2011/03/28
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Gene expression analysis of inhibitory cells derived from developing barrel cortex in BDNF knockout mice (ポスター,一般) 2010/12/07
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子宮内電気穿孔法により遺伝子導入された大脳皮質体性感覚野抑 制性神経細胞の電気生理学的・神経化学的解析法の開発 (ポスター,一般) 2010/12/07
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Characterization of bilateral spike timing dependent plasticity specifically appeared during the 2nd postnatal week at L4-L2/3 synapses in the mouse barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2010/11/14
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バレル皮質4層-2/3層間のスパイクタイミング依存性可塑性と発達に伴う変化 (口頭発表,一般) 2010/09/03
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フェンサイクリジンはBDNFの分泌阻害を介して大脳皮質ニューロンの興奮性シナプスを減少させる (ポスター,一般) 2010/09/03
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Developmental switch in the spike-timing-dependent plasticity between L4-L2/3 synapse in parallel with feedforward inhibition in mouse barrel cortex (ポスター,一般) 2009/10/20
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Activation of α2A adrenoceptors suppresses excitatory synaptic transmission to layer 4 cells both from thalamic and intracortical in the mouse barrel cortex through presynaptic mechanism (ポスター,一般) 2009/10/17
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フィードフォワード抑制による発火タイミング制御の発達に伴う変化とそれに伴う可塑性の変化 (口頭発表,一般) 2009/09/17
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バレル皮質4層細胞への興奮性伝達に対するα2Aノルアドレナリン受容体によるシナプス前性抑制 (ポスター,一般) 2009/09/16
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BDNFノックアウトマウスの脂質メタボローム解析 (ポスター,一般) 2009/06/24
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フェンサイクリジンによる大脳皮質ニューロンのシナプス減少に、BDNFの分泌阻害が (ポスター,一般) 2009/06/24
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Developmental changes in the fine temporal control of thalamic activation of cortical cells and associated changes in plasticity (ポスター,一般) 2008/11/13
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フェンサイクリジンによる培養大脳皮質ニューロンの細胞内BDNF発現上昇は、その後のシナプス機能阻害の一因となっている (ポスター,一般) 2008/07/09
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Phencyclidineによる大脳皮質ニューロンのシナプスの減少はBDNF放出阻害によって引き起こされる (ポスター,一般) 2008/05/17
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Gene expression analysis of inhibitory cells derived from developing barrel cortex in BDNF knockout mice 2007/11/06
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Prior activation of GABAergic neurons to excitatory neurons by thalamic axons within a single barrel in the mouse thalamocortical system: relevance to the spike timing dependent plasticit 2007/11/06
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Maturation of thalamocortical transmission to GABAergic neurons and its possible relevance to plasticity in the barrel cortex 2007/09/11
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BDNF regulates the maturation of layer 4 fast spiking cells after the 2nd postnatal week in the developing barrel cortex 2007/07/13
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Thalamic activation of GABAergic neurons leads to activation of excitatory neurons within a single barrel in the mouse thalamocortical system 2007/07/13
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BDNF controls functional differentiation of GABAergic interneurons innervated by thalamic input during cortical development 2005/11/13
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Precedent activation of GABAergic neurons to excitatory cells within a barrel by thalamic input in mouse thalamocortical slices 2005/11/12
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バレル内抑制性細胞へのニコチニック受容体による選択的促通作用 2005/07/26
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視床支配を受けるGABA抑制性細胞の発達期機能分化に対するBDNFの作用 2005/07/26