タナベ イチロウ
田邊 一郎 所属 埼玉医科大学 保健医療学部 共通教育部門 職種 特任教授 |
言語種別 | 英語 |
種別 | 単行本 |
単著/共著の別 | 共著 |
書名 | Dynamical Processes Associated with Singlet Oxygen Generations in Porphyrin Solutions. |
出版社 | Proceeding of the 7th Congress International Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine, |
著者・共著者 | ◎Ichiro Tanabe, Hirosi Fujimura, Yukinori Okazaki, Tadayosi Takemoto, Yosihiko Kanemitsu, Yuichi Tanaka and Hiroto Kuroda |
発行年月 | 1988/03 |
概要 | In this report, we presented the clear evidence of the singlet oxygen’s generation in vitro by direct observation and discuss the dynamical energy transfer processes by analyzing the temporal change of its fluorescence. From our analysis,we concluded that the energy reached to oxygen molecule was about 1/100~1/1000 and the majority of the excited energy at T1 state was escaped other than oxygen molecule. |