タジマ ヒロユキ   TAJIMA Hiroyuki
  田島 廣之
   所属   埼玉医科大学  医学部 国際医療センター 放射線科(放射線腫瘍科、画像診断、核医学科)
   職種   特任教授
論文種別 学術雑誌(原著)
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Can an enhanced thin-slice computed tomography delineate the right adrenal vein and improve the success rate?
巻・号・頁 34(9),611-619頁
著者・共著者 Shiro Onozawa,Satoru Murata,Hidenori Yamaguchi,Takahiko Mine,Daisuke Yasui,Hitoshi Sugihara,Hiroyuki Tajima
発行年月 2016/09
概要 To evaluate the usefulness of enhanced thin-slice computed tomography (TSCT) for delineating the right adrenal vein (RAV) anatomy before adrenal vein sampling (AVS).A total of 151 consecutive AVSs with CT during angiography (interventional CT) were included. Of them, TSCT was performed before AVS for 72 patients. Successful RAV cannulation was confirmed using cortisol measurement. The RAV on TSCT was classified as certain, probable, or unidentified, and cases with certain or probable RAV identification were classified as useful. In the cases where AVS was successful, the anatomical features of the presumed RAV from the useful TSCT, including the position along the inferior vena cava, vertebral level, and distance from the upper pole of the right kidney, were compared with the RAV features identified on interventional CT. Estimated successful cannulation rates before interventional CT were compared between patients with and without useful TSCT.In total, 66 TSCTs were classified as useful. The anatomical features identified on TSCT were significantly correlated with those on interventional CT. The estimated successful cannulation rates for cases with and without useful TSCT were 92
DOI 10.1007/s11604-016-0564-0