マキノ ヨシノリ   MAKINO Yoshinori
  牧野 好倫
   所属   埼玉医科大学  医学部 国際医療センター がんゲノム医療科
   職種   教授
論文種別 学術雑誌(原著)
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Early change in the clearance of pembrolizumab reflects the survival and therapeutic response: A population pharmacokinetic analysis in real-world non-small cell lung cancer patients
掲載誌名 正式名:Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
略  称:Lung Cancer
巻・号・頁 2022(173),35-42頁
総ページ数 8
著者・共著者 Mayu Ohuchi, Shigehiro Yagishita, Hitomi Jo, Kazumasa Akagi, Ryoko Inaba Higashiyama, Ken Masuda, Yuki Shinno, Yusuke Okuma, Tatsuya Yoshida, Yasushi Goto, Hidehito Horinouchi, Yoshinori Makino, Noboru Yamamoto, Yuichiro Ohe, Akinobu Hamada
発行年月 2022/11/01
概要 Objectives: The dosing pattern of pembrolizumab is based on population pharmacokinetic (Pop-PK) analysis of clinical trials. Data for Japanese patients or patient populations with poor conditions such as cachexia are scarce. In this study, we performed a Pop-PK analysis of Japanese non-small cell lung cancer patients and analyzed the relationship between exposure, treatment effect, and survival. Materials and Methods: A total of 270 blood samples from 76 patients who received 200 mg pembrolizumab every 3 weeks between March 2017 and December 2018 were included. The estimated median of clearance (CL) in this analysis population was 0.104 L/day, about half of the historical data for Western data. Overall, pembrolizumab CL decreased over time, with some populations showing increased CL early in the treatment and others showing decreased CL over time.
researchmap用URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169500222006080?via%3Dihub