クワバラ ヒトシ   KUWABARA Hitoshi
  桑原 斉
   所属   埼玉医科大学  医学部 神経精神科・心療内科
   職種   教授
論文種別 学術雑誌(原著)
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Altered Metabolites in the Plasma of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Capillary Electrophoresis Time-of-Flight Mass Spectroscopy Study
掲載誌名 正式名:PLOS ONE
巻・号・頁 8(9),e73814頁
著者・共著者 Hitoshi Kuwabara,Hidenori Yamasue,Shinsuke Koike,Hideyuki Inoue,Yuki Kawakubo,Miho Kuroda,Yosuke Takano,Norichika Iwashiro,Tatsunobu Natsubori,Yuta Aoki,Yukiko Kano,Kiyoto Kasai
発行年月 2013/09
概要 Clinical diagnosis and severity of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are determined by trained clinicians based on clinical evaluations of observed behaviors. As such, this approach is inevitably dependent on the expertise and subjective assessment of those administering the clinical evaluations. There is a need to identify objective biological markers associated with diagnosis or clinical severity of the disorder. To identify novel candidate metabolites as potential biomarkers for ASD, the current study applied capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectroscopy (CE-TOFMS) for high-throughput profiling of metabolite levels in the plasma of 25 psychotropic-naive adult males with high-functioning ASD and 28 age-matched typically-developed control subjects. Ten ASD participants and ten age-matched controls were assigned in the first exploration set, while 15 ASD participants and 18 controls were included in the second replication set. By CE-TOFMS analysis, a total of 143 metabolites were detected in the plasma of the first set. Of these, 17 metabolites showed significantly different relative areas between the ASD participants and the controls (p<0.05). Of the 17 metabolites,
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0073814
PMID 24058493