セキ マサフミ   SEK Masafumi
  関 雅文
   所属   埼玉医科大学  医学部 国際医療センター 感染症科・感染制御科
   職種   教授
論文種別 学術雑誌(原著)
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Loading regimen required to rapidly achieve therapeutic trough plasma concentration of teicoplanin and evaluation of clinical features.
掲載誌名 正式名:Clinical pharmacology : advances and applications
巻・号・頁 4(1),71-5頁
著者・共著者 Masafumi Seki,Kaori Yabuno,Koji Miyawaki,Yoshihiro Miwa,Kazunori Tomono
発行年月 2012
概要 BACKGROUND: A trough concentration of>20 mg/L is considered the optimal dosage of teicoplanin required to ensure early therapeutic effects against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections including those in patients who develop febrile neutropenia after chemotherapy. This study determines appropriate initial doses during the first 2 days of administration and evaluates the therapeutic target teicoplanin trough concentration. METHOD: A 2-day regimen was evaluated in patients treated with 600 mg and 1200 mg or 1200 mg and 600 mg (total 1800 mg, Group 1), 800 mg and 800 mg (total 1600 mg, Group 2), and 800 mg and 400 mg (total 1200 mg, Group 3) of teicoplanin on Days 1 and 2, respectively. We also compared the efficiency and adverse effects at trough concentrations of 15-20 mg/L (Group A, n = 28) with>20 mg/L (Group B, n = 27) of teicoplanin, and also compared them with those on the similar concentrations of vancomycin (Groups C and D, n = 50 and 34, respectively). RESULTS: The mean trough concentrations of teicoplanin on Days 4 or 5 were 22.2, 17.5, and 16.2 mg/L in Groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The clinical efficiency was 85.7%, 81.5%, 92.0%, and 91.5%, in
DOI 10.2147/CPAA.S37528
PMID 23236257