オバタ ヒデアキ   OBATA Hideaki
  小幡 英章
   所属   埼玉医科大学  医学部 総合医療センター 麻酔科(麻酔科、産科麻酔科)
   職種   教授
論文種別 学術雑誌(原著)
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Long-term Effect of Sciatic Nerve Block with Slow-release Lidocaine in a Rat Model of Postoperative Pain
巻・号・頁 112(6),1473-1481頁
著者・共著者 Masaru Tobe,Hideaki Obata,Takashi Suto,Hideaki Yokoo,Yoichi Nakazato,Yasuhiko Tabata,Shigeru Saito
発行年月 2010/06
概要 Background: Postoperative pain management is important for preventing perioperative complications. The authors examined the effectiveness of controlled-release lidocaine for sciatic nerve block in a rat model of postoperative pain.Methods: The authors created a novel slow-release lidocaine sheet (SRLS) with polylactic-coglycolic acid. In male Sprague-Dawley rats (postoperative pain model), the authors applied the SRLS, lidocaine alone, or polylactic-coglycolic acid (control) near the ipsilateral sciatic nerve just before making the paw incision. Mechanical hypersensitivity was assessed using von Frey filaments, and c-fos expression was examined in the spinal cord dorsal horn at segments L4-L5. Neurotoxicity and muscle toxicity were also evaluated via histopathology.Results: The SRLS (30%, w/w) continuously released lidocaine for 1 week in vitro. The withdrawal threshold in the SRLS-treated group was higher than that in the control group at all time points measured (2 h to 7 days). The withdrawal threshold in the lidocaine-treated group was higher than that in the control group only at 2 h after paw incision. The mean number of c-fos immunoreactive neurons in the SRLS-treated grou
DOI 10.1097/ALN.0b013e3181d4f66f
PMID 20461003