ミシマ サトシ   MISHIMA Satoshi
  三島 智
   所属   埼玉医科大学  医学部 教養教育
   職種   専任講師
論文種別 学術雑誌(原著)
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Calculation of magnetic penguin amplitudes in B → φK decays using PQCD approach
掲載誌名 正式名:Progress of Theoretical Physics
巻・号・頁 110,549-561頁
著者・共著者 Satoshi Mishima,A.I. Sanda
発行年月 2003/09/01
概要 New physics contributions to B decays often arise through chromo-magnetic penguin operators. To look for new physics effects in B decays, it is useful to be able to estimate the hadronic matrix elements for the chromo-magnetic operator. We compute this contribution to B ->phi K decays using PQCD methods. It is shown that, if the Wilson coefficient of the new physics is same order of magnitude as that of the Standard Model, this operator gives a non-negligible contribution compared to that of the Standard Model (about 30%). We also investigate the value of q^2, which is the momentum transferred by the gluon in the chromo-magnetic penguin operator. We find that the expectation value <q^2> is approximately M^2_B/4, in agreement with a naive guess. This result, however, is very sensitive to the scale dependence of the Wilson coefficient. We also show that the matrix element for the chromo-magnetic penguin operator is independent of the choice of energy scale to a very good approximation.
DOI 10.1143/PTP.110.549
arXiv ID hep-ph/0305073
ORCIDのPut Code 71016426
PermalinkURL http://inspirehep.net/record/618317